23 June, 2006

Awkward E

This is a great comic strip if you are into sick and twisted humour like I. Enjoy! It says so much and yet so very little. Click the pic to check out the plethora of Cyanide and Happiness strips.

Everyone Loves to Hate The Hoff

If you look at this picture, I mean REALLY look at it - deep into Dave's eyes - what is he saying to you? "YEAH! - I have a BIG metal POLE! Seriously though, the guys thinks he is a huge rock star, an amazing actor and a sexy hunk ta-boot! Well I guess he really is all of these in Germany. Give it a shot and type in The Hoff on Google and you'll be suprized with what you find. This is where I found this beauty of a B&W. I plan to get it silk screened on a sheet and then tack the sheet onto my ceiling above my bed. It will help both me and my wifes sex life. When she is looking up she can dream of the best Hoffing she has ever had and when I am looking up I can just look deep in to those eyes and ... ...well... ... just get lost in the moment. Here are all kinds of digitally "re-mastered" pics of the Hoffer himself. I personally like the soap dispenser one. Sorry for no link to that one. I saw it but now that I want to share it, I can't find it again. If you find it let let me know.
I feel for the guy - not in a lovey dovey way (as long as I don't look into those eyes... ...sigh...) but because he really truely thinks that he is one of the greatest entertainers of our time. He had a big pay-for-view concert the same day that OJ Simpson was doing the ol' slow speed chase in the infamous white Bronco. The concert was a total flop. There was a total of 13 people who tuned in to watch it - one was his mother but she fell asleep and missed it!! Gotta hand it to the guy - he keeps his chin up and his jackets 80's leather - becsue it looks oh so good on him. He is on a supposid come back with Simons new show. It should be fun watching him try to make everybody understand that he is kewl, that he is sexy, that he is the one and only HOFF

21 June, 2006

A Creek is Born

Good day and welcome to day 12 - OK technically its only day 1 but if you are a 30 something, Canadian, and watched way to much TV when you where in school, then you will know where that comes from.

As you scroll through this blog you will likely be bored or at the very most, slightly ammused. You will find pics, clips, links, raves, rants, a plethora of spellig errors, and words that don't really mean anything to anyone. If you have comments to share, good or bad, please let lose and fire away!

Cheers - DBB