25 December, 2006

Merry Christmas

It is the 25th of December again and I am at work again. Have you noticed more this year then years previous a lot of people saying the same thing time and time again,

It just doesn't feel like Christmas this year."

Well I have. One reason could be that they do not have kids with them this Christmas. I was guilty of this until a couple of nights ago when I came home after work and Rownan greeted me very excitedly at the door. More excited then usual, he had his hand cupped over his mouth doing his whisper/shout thing telling me that Mom and him had a surprise for me and it was under the tree. Before I could say anything else he told me, still in his whisper/shout mode,
It's a hockey sweater!!!"
I guess whisper/shouting counts as not telling me what the present is. He's three, so the novelty of not knowing what’s beneath the wrapping and ribbon is lost on him. He’s just fired up about presents in general, especially when it’s a hockey sweater for Dad!

I know that for Kellee and I, Rownan will make it “feel” like Christmas for us – thnx Rown, best present EVER!

20 December, 2006

ICU Baby

This is a simple case of what you do to others will come back and bite you in the ass. It all started when during Rownan's birthday I gave my brother Tim my camcorder to get some shots of Kellee and I with Rownan. Well I guess he could not resist taking a close-up of Kellee's butt and this is the repercussion!!!

16 December, 2006


OK I can't stand it any more.

I need to tell the true story of why Rownan was born two months early...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Hosenfefer Hump

Also known as:
It’s been a while since I donned the red'n black fleece of a Rabbit Hill Snow Resort employee but I still miss that "little hill just outside of Edmonton". It was like my second home - wait it WAS my home and I miss my RH family... I keep an eye on things vicariously thought the web site and it looks DAM GOOD!!! That’s ‘cuz most of the pics on the site I can take credit for. Not the fancy web design stuff but I was the guy that made the camera go “click”.

So go check the web site then head out there and strap on skis or a board and have a blast. This year has been their best year for snow in a while. They finally opened their back bowl!!

When you get there, tell them Jason says “Hi” and they might even let you ski/ride for double the price. Watch out for Rich though - he might come from Tulsa and poke you with a stick...

07 December, 2006

Free Breast Exam

I thought of Ward...well actually Wards breasts...when I saw this. I think "Breast Exam Cam" is hiring - I am so in!!!!

03 December, 2006

Why a Guy Got Fired from Apple

I just had to share this with you. Its about a former Apple customer service representative who shows what he feels led to his dismissal.

Point for Canadians!!